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Shivay Tarot

Healing with Akashic

For example, the dream state is a dimension of consciousness containing different levels of sleep activity that humans can identify and experience. Other dimensions of consciousness can be identified as different “regions” of the mind -the conscious and subconscious, the zone of memory, musical or mathematical abilities and areas of the brain that govern our physical capabilities. What all these dimensions of consciousness have in common, that even though they are unseen – we know that they exist.
In the process of accessing, the Akashic Records, we transition from a state of ordinary human consciousness to a state of Divine universal consciousness in which we recognize our Oneness with the Divine at all levels.
The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey.This vibrational body of consciousness exists everywhere in its entirety and is completely available at all times and in all places. As such, the Records are an experiential body of knowledge that contains everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence, as well as all its future possibilities.Let’s break the above definition into smaller parts, starting with the meaning of dimension of consciousness. A dimension of consciousness is a realm of the unseen world that we humans can identify and experience through its qualities, characteristics, or traits.
This state of consciousness allows us to perceive the impressions and vibrations of the Records. In this way, the Records have served humanity throughout its unfolding by being an extraordinary state through which we can receive Divine illumination at a manageable rate and integrate it into our human experience. Because of this integration, we can quite literally say that accessing the Akasha allows us glimpses of heaven on earth! The Akashic Records are the Light Body of universal self-awareness. As such, they contain the universal consciousness, with its three main components of mind, heart, and will The Records also contain the radiant vibrations of Light that all things generate.
Every time we access the Records, our awareness is affected by this quality of Light, and we become “enlightened” by it. When this happens, the effects of the Light become evident in our thoughts and emotions (and in those of our clients), and we begin to experience an increased sense of peace and well-being. The Akashic Records are governed and protected by a group of nonphysical Light Beings called the Lords of the Records.
Shivay Tarot

Lama fera & angelic healing

Lama-Fera is a Buddhist healing technique that has been used since 620 B.C. It involves calling upon Lord Buddha to come to heal the situation. His healing energy flows through the healer to the person needing healing in Lama-Fera. It has 12 symbols to practice. Though it’s a method of treating or healing that is quite different from what we practice in Psychic Reiki and other healing therapies but, its symbols have an abundance of power to treat the highest level of negative energies.
Angelic Healing is a form of energy healing. We all have an energy system, which sometimes gets blocked during our daily lives. Think of these blocks like boulders in a river. Blocks like this get built up when we feel anger, fear, pain, resentment, or anything that is not in true alignment with who we are. We can loosen or remove some of the “boulders” with Angelic Healing, so we are back in the flow – feeling more energetic and more alive, more in tune with our higher self.